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Title: Изучение некоторых болгарских и украинских гибридов тутового шелкопряда, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) в условиях Египта
Other Titles: Study of some Bulgarian and ukrainian hybrids of the Chinese silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) under the conditions of Egypt
Authors: Грейс, Х.
Петков, Н.
Начева, Й.
Ценов, П.
Злотин, А. З.
Галанова, О. В.
Шаламова, О. А.
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Харків
Citation: Грейс Х., Петков Н., Начева Й., Ценов П., Злотин А. З., Галанова О. В., Шаламова О. А. Изучение некоторых болгарских и украинских гибридов тутового шелкопряда, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) в условиях Египта. Известия Харьковского энтомологического общества. 2002-2003. Т. 10, Вып. 1-2. С. 187-189.
Abstract: During 1998-2000, Bulgarian hybrids of a Chinese silkworm AC*Ukr. 20, KC*Ukr. 20, (AC*Vr. 35)*Mer. 2, (AC*Vr. 35)*(TB*Mer. 2) as well as their reciprocal crosses and Ukrainian hybrids Ukr. 27 PK*Ukr. 15, Vr. 52*Ukr. 18 and Mer. 6* Mer. 7 are studied in agricultural company «Agromier» (Cairo, Egypt.) It was found that the hybrids between AC*Ukr. 20, (AC*Vr. 35)*Mer. 2 as well as their reciprocal crosses have high biological parameters of the caterpillars and high technological properties of the row cocoons, as follows: silkworm egg reanimation, 96.67-97.33 %; viability of caterpillars, 87.33-90.75 %; raw cocoon output per box (20000+-200 viable silkworm eggs), 43.670-44.962 kg.; raw cocoon weight, 2396-2669 mg; weight of silk memrane, 603-645 mg; silk ratioof raw cocoons, 24,17-25,17 %. This hybrids (AC*Ukr. 20, (AC*Vr. 35)*Mer. 2) as well as their reciprocal crosses will be proposed for industrial use to all sericultural companies in Egypt.
Appears in Collections:Т. 10, Вип. 1-2

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