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Title: Фауна и население пауков (Aranei) заповедника "Ямская степь" (Белгородская область, Россия)
Other Titles: Spider communities of the‘yamskaya steppe’nature reserve (Belgorod region, Russia)
Authors: Полчанинова, Н. Ю.
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Харків
Citation: Полчанинова Н. Ю. Фауна и население пауков (Aranei) заповедника "Ямская степь" (Белгородская область, Россия). Известия Харьковского энтомологического общества. 2002-2003. Т. 10, Вып. 1-2. С. 99-107.
Abstract: A total, ca 12 990 individuals, representing 154 spider species and 18 families were collected from steppe and forest habitats in the ‘Yamskaya steppe'. Most species are habitat generalists commonly occuring in the forest-steppe zone, stenotopic steppe species comprise only 10% of thefauna, the forest ones attain 20%. This results in a very high interhabitat faunistic similarity (Jaccard'sIndex = 70 %). Thehighest spider abundance in herb layer and the richest species composition were recorded in the forest glades. The seindices decreased in range forest edges,un-mowing steppe, mowing steppe.This local araneofauna differs from the other faunas of the virgin meadow steppes by the great number of Tarentula trabalis, the absence of Pardosa riparia, and a less quantity and diversity of Pardosa species. With the high abundance of Neoscona adianta, presence of Xysticus striatipes, higher quantity of Heliophanus flavipes and Clubiona neglecta the araneofaune of the ‘Yamskaya steppe' approaches the true steppe type. On the other hand, dominant Araneus quadratus and numerous Euryopis flavomaculata, Marpissa pomatia, Theridion bimaculatum, Evarcha arcuata, Cheiracanthium punctorium are typical of the meadow steppes.
Appears in Collections:Т. 10, Вип. 1-2

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