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Title: The essence of the efficiency of economic activity of the enterprise
Authors: Nadolya, Serhiy
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Минск: БГАТУ
Citation: Nadolya S. The essence of the efficiency of economic activity of the enterprise. Рыночная экономика: сегодня и завтра: тезисы IХ Междунар. научной студенческой конференции. (г. Минск, 27–28 февраля 2020 г.). Минск: БГАТУ, 2020. С. 168-170.
Abstract: The economic efficiency of an enterprise's economic activity is considered to be one of the most important categories of economic science and a key element of economic practice. It examines the totality of the common, sustainable and significant relationships and relationships in relation to the performance of an enterprise in the market and accordingly the costs incurred by the enterprise in its production.
ISBN: 978-985-25-0028-9
Appears in Collections:Статті

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