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dc.contributor.authorСердюков, Я. К.-
dc.contributor.authorШкундя, Д. Ю.-
dc.contributor.authorГоц, Г. С.-
dc.identifier.citationСердюков Я. К., Шкундя Д. Ю., Гоц Г. С. Особливості мікроскопічної будови печінки голуба сизого за хвороби Ньюкасла. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2021. № 7. С. 121-125.
dc.description.abstractВстановлено, що при досліджені печінки особин голуба сизого, що загинули від хвороби Ньюкасла, реєструються характерні мікроскопічні зміни. Найвираженішими з них є зерниста та клітинні жирові дистрофії гепатоцитів, лімфоцитарна та гістіоцитарна інфільтрація всередині часточок та в міжчасточковій сполучній тканині, гостра застійна гіперемія міжчасточкових судин. Виявлення подібного комплексу змін є діагностичною ознакою, що допомагає ідентифікувати хворобу Ньюкасла в голубів.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractNewcastle disease is an extremely contagious viral disease of birds, both agricultural and ornamental, as well as wild and synanthropic. Whereas previously research in the field of diagnosis, control and prevention of this disease concerned mainly industrial poultry farms, recently there have been reports of diseases of parrots, pigeons, wild ducks and other species of birds. Carriers of the virus and its natural reservoir can be wild birds, especially migratory birds, which in contact with poultry, pigeons kept in dovecotes, wild and exotic birds kept in zoos are able to reinfect them, thus forming new epizootic outbreak, the appearance of which is quite difficult to prevent. The pathomorphology of Newcastle disease is well studied only in chickens, in other species of birds superficially. Meanwhile, knowledge of pathomorphological changes in various organs of birds in this disease is of significant diagnostic value, and especially in the digestive organs, because there are the most pronounced changes. The material was taken from the corpses of three gray pigeons kept in one of the dovecotes in Kyiv and died of Newcastle disease. The liver was selected for microscopic examination, from which the preparations were examined under a light microscope, followed by microphotography. In the liver of pigeons in Newcastle disease, the nuclei of most hepatocytes were poorly stained, and the cytoplasm had a characteristic "granular" appearance. Such hepatocytes were slightly larger than unchanged. At the same time, we did not observe signs of destruction of hepatocytes and violation of contacts between these cells. Such changes are characteristic of granular dystrophy of hepatocytes. In single hepatocytes there were revealed changes of a different nature. Their cytoplasm was almost unstained. The nuclei of such hepatocytes in some cases were in the center of the cell, in others they were displaced to the periphery, as a result of which such cells acquired a characteristic "ring-shaped" appearance. Such changes indicate the development of cellular fatty degeneration, respectively, fatty decomposition and fatty infiltration. Disse’s spaces in the liver of the studied pigeons were enlarged and overcrowded with cells, among which histiocytes and lymphocytes stood out. Severe lymphocytic and histiocytic infiltration was also detected in the interlobular connective tissue. We did not detect any pathological changes in the bile ducts. The interstitial vessels were dilated and filled with blood. Thus, the following complex of microscopic changes was detected in the liver of the pigeon in Newcastle disease: granular, fatty decompositive and fatty infiltrative hepatocyte dystrophies; cellular infiltration of Disse’s spaces and interlobular connective tissue; hyperemia of the interlobular vessels.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 7;-
dc.subjectмікроскопічні зміниuk_UA
dc.subjectголуб сизийuk_UA
dc.subjectхвороба Ньюкаслаuk_UA
dc.subjectmicroscopic changesuk_UA
dc.subjectNewcastle diseaseuk_UA
dc.titleОсобливості мікроскопічної будови печінки голуба сизого за хвороби Ньюкаслаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativePeculiarities of the microscopic structure of the pigeon in Newcastle diseaseuk_UA
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