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Title: Оцінка сортиментно-ґатункової структури дубових деревостанів з використанням сучасних технологій
Other Titles: Оценка сортиментно-сортной структуры дубовых древостоев с использованием современных технологий
Evaluation of assortment and quality structure of oak forest stands using modern technology
Authors: Слиш, О. А.
Любчич, М. В.
Букша, М. І.
Keywords: таксація лісосік, модельні дерева, сортиментно-ґатункова структура, ПТК Field-Map;таксация лесосек, модельные деревья, сортиментно-сортная структура, ПТК Field-Map.;taxation of cutting areas, model trees, assortment and quality structure, Field-Map.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Харків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В. В. Докучаєва
Citation: Слиш О. А., Любчич М. В., Букша М. І. Оцінка сортиментно-ґатункової структури дубових деревостанів з використанням сучасних технологій. 2016. № 2. С. 134-141
Series/Report no.: Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство;№ 2
Abstract: Розглянуто результати встановлення сортиментно-ґатункової структури дубових деревостанів методом модельних дерев за допомогою програмно-технологічного комплексу Field-Map. Наведено розрахунки кількості модельних дерев та їх сортиментно-ґатункову структуру. Представлено розподіл запасу деревостану за розмірно якісними категоріями деревини і сортиментами. Проведено порівняння одержаних даних з чинними сортиментними таблицями.
Рассмотрены результаты исследования сортиментно-сортной структуры дубовых древостоев методом модельных деревьев с использованием программно-технологического комплекса Field-Map. Приведены расчеты количества модельных деревьев и их сортиментно сортная структура. Представлено распределение запаса древостоя по размерно-качественным категориями древесины и сортиментами. Проведено сравнение полученных данных с действующими сортиментными таблицами.
In the current economic conditions enterprises should implement accounting of assortment and quality structure of wood. Thus during cutting areas allotment it is necessary to evaluate both the total timber volumes, by size-quality categories, and distribution by main assortments (commercial timber grades and firewood). Is necessary to improve methodology for evaluation of the assortment and quality structure (AQS) and develop appropriate standards for its evaluation due to the absence of clear guidelines on the matter. Current standards can not be fully used, particularly there are no data on diameter classes, names and characteristics of the assortments in it. The aim of our study is to evaluate AQS of oak stand by measurement of model trees (without cutting) and to compare the results with assortment tables. Methods. Research was conducted at the site № 7 compartment 45 Mezhyrichskij forestry of Lebedin FE. For the allocated cutting area trees tally was conducted by elements of the forest, classes of diameters and categories of technical quality. For the study programming software Field Map was used. The proportional representation method was used for models sampling, that met the average size of trees by diameter classes and their quality features. This method gives accurate results, which is important in determining the marketability of timber, especially in the presence of high quality assortments in the stands with a significant amount of defect trees. It can also be used for the creation of standards and control of marketability evaluated by other ways. For the model trees stem profiles were constructed by «6 points» (IFER) method: by measurement of height and diameters on the stump, at 1.3 and 2 meters, 1/3 and 3/5 the height of the tree, their conditional division on assortments, taking into account the size and quality of the stem, as well as the standards and timber specifications of FE. Measured data on model trees were used to parameterize the equations of stem profile, on which the model volume was calculated, as well as their distribution by assortments. The software Field-Map allows use various empirical models for simulating, including models of bark thickness, models of stem defects. For comparison felled model trees (control) AQS was evaluated on the base of "Specifications on the harvested timber in the current year" of FE. At studied oak stand the main assortment of major species (oak) under "Specifications …" should be roundwood of 4.0 (3.0) m length and raw material of 3.0 (4.0) m length. The required number of model trees was calculated by the developed method. Comparison of the calculations AQS with corresponding assortment table showed that the difference in the total stock is 7.4 %; actual commercial timber yield is lower on 22.8 %, fuel wood is higher on 5.0 %. Conclusions. The most effective use of cutting fund by enterprises, including the rational cutting area operating and operational control of output assortments, improves business profitability through optimization of the use of forest resources. Use of the method of model trees for evaluation of AQS can increase the precision of evaluation in forest on stump and really improves the efficiency of forest resources use. Using software and instrumental complex Field-Map makes it possible to calculate the trees volume and determine AQS for models without cutting trees. Such a non destructive method for evaluation of AQS is promising in terms of monetary valuation and auction sales of standing timber.
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету імені В. В. Докучаєва : зб. наук. пр..- Харків. Серія, Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство, екологія ґрунтів. 2016 № 2

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