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dc.contributor.authorКазюта, О. М.-
dc.identifier.citationКазюта О. М. Сольовий склад водної витяжки ґрунтів заплави малої річки Пробужка Липоводолинського району Сумської області. 2015. № 2. С. 170-186uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК 631.416:631.445.152-
dc.description.abstractАлювіальні досліджувані ґрунти є засоленими. Тип засолення за катіонним складом у ґрунтах прируслової заплави – магнієво-кальцієвий, у центральній заплаві – кальцієвий, а у ґрунті притерасового зниження – кальцієво-магнієвий. За аніонним складом тип засолення – гідрокарбонатний для ґрунтів прируслової та центральної заплав та сульфатний – у ґрунті притерасового зниження. Найбільш засоленим є алювіальний ґрунт притерасового зниження.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractАллювиальные исследуемые почвы засолены. Тип засоления по катионному составу в почвах прирусловой поймы – магниево-кальциевый, в центральной пойме – кальциевый, а в почве притеррасного понижения – кальциево-магниевый. По анионному составу тип засоления – гидрокарбонатный для почв прирусловой и центральной пойм и сульфатный – в почве притеррасного понижения. Наиболее засоленной является аллювиальная почва притеррасного понижения.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractSoils of river floodplains present considerable interest in their study, so as through them copulas pass between all main components of geobiocenosis. At generalization of works, that the origins accumulations devoted by a question, to the redistribution of salts, geography of salt accumulations, it is possible to define that soils that contain salts mostly develop at presence of salts in maternal breeds and at the near bedding of the subground waters, a saltiness and the level of that is determined by a type and degree of salinization of soils. The salinization of soils is possible also at falling of salts out of atmosphere and by a biological way. The insufficient studied of descriptions of soils of meadows of the small rivers affects development of measures of their rational use and guard. It is necessary to investigate properties of soils of meadow of the small river of Probuzhka and define their difference depending on a location for to parts of meadow. Such soils appeared on the investigated territory. Within the areas of channel bank floodplain the meadow-marsh alluvial moderately saline medium loam stratified soil (on an alluvium) is appeared. Within the areas of central floodplain the marsh alluvial slightly saline medium loam soil (on an alluvium) is appeared. Within the areas of near the terrace decrease floodplain the meadow-marsh alluvial moderately saline heavy loam soil (on an alluvium) is appeared. Researches were conducted in summer. The standards of soil were taken away from different parts of back-water for horizontals. To the depth a 30 cm the standards of soil were taken away layer-by-layer through each a 10 cm. And from a depth an over 30 cm standards were taken away on horizons. рН in a water was determined by potentiometer. A salt composition of water extraction was determined at correlation soil : water as 1: 5. A alkalinity from soluble carbonates and general alkalinity was determined by the method of titration by 0,002 normal solution Н2SO4. The determination of dry remain was conducted by the method of drying and weighing. The determination of Cl- -ion was carried out by the method of fastening of silver Ag2+ by an Cl- -ion. The determination of maintenance to the SO4 2--ion is conducted by a gravimetric method. The determination of maintenance of ions of magnesium and calcium was conducted by a complexometric method. The determination of ions of natrium and potassium was conducted by the method of flame photometry. The alluvial research soils are in salt. Type of salinization by cationic composition in soils of channel bank floodplain is magnesium-calcium, in a central floodplain is calcium, and in soil of terrace decrease floodplain is calcium-magnesium. Type of salinization by anionic composition is hydrocarbonate for soils of channel bank and central floodplains and sulfate – in soil of terrace decrease floodplain. In most salt there is alluvial soil of terrace decrease floodplain. The amount of toxic salts straight influences on natural fertility of soils. The meadow marsh soil of channel bank floodplain by the sum of toxic salts is on the second place among soils that is investigated. A toxic salts of magnesium and hydrocarbonates prevailed to the depth a 22 cm. Deeper – toxic hydrocarbonates are absent, and toxic salts of magnesium and sulfates prevailed. The marsh alluvial slightly saline medium loam soil of central floodplain is had least toxic salts. To the depth a 20 cm repressing their amount is folded by chlorides, sulfates and salts of magnesium. The amount of salts of natrium increased deeper. The meadow marsh soil of channel bank floodplain had most of toxic salts. Toxic salts of magnesium and sulfates predominated on all profile. The sum of harmful salts with a depth diminishes not depending by soil. The reaction of the ground solution is alkalescent. And the reaction of the ground solution changes on alkaline on territory of channel bank floodplain meadow marsh soil with a depth.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В. В. Докучаєваuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesҐрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство;№ 2-
dc.subjectзаплава, алювій, солі.uk_UA
dc.subjectпойма, аллювий, соли.uk_UA
dc.subjectmeadow, alluvial, salt.uk_UA
dc.titleСольовий склад водної витяжки ґрунтів заплави малої річки Пробужка Липоводолинського району Сумської областіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeСолевой состав водной вытяжки почв поймы малой реки Пробужка Липоводолинского района Сумськой областиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe salt composition of water extraction of soils of medow of small river Рrobuzhka of Lyipovodolyinsk district of Sumy areauk_UA
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету імені В. В. Докучаєва : зб. наук. пр..- Харків. Серія, Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство, екологія ґрунтів. 2015. № 2

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