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Title: Типологічна структура та продуктивність лісів ДП «Глухівське ЛГ»
Other Titles: Типологическая структура и продуктивность лесов ГП «Глуховское ЛХ»
Typological ctructure and productivity of the forests of a SE “Glukhiv forestry”
Authors: Горошко, В. В.
Бугайов, С. М.
Keywords: типологічний аналіз, лісорослинний потенціал, дубняки, таблиці продуктивності, ДП «Глухівське ЛГ».;типологический анализ, лесорастительный потенциал, дубняки, таблицы продуктивности, ГП «Глуховское ЛХ».;typological analysis, wooded potential, oak areas, tables of productivity, SE “Glukhiv Forestry”.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Харків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В. В. Докучаєва
Citation: Горошко В. В., Бугайов С. М. Типологічна структура та продуктивність лісів ДП «Глухівське ЛГ». 2014. № 2. С. 91-97
Series/Report no.: Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство;№ 2
Abstract: Досліджено типологічну структуру лісів ДП «Глухівське ЛГ»; установлено рівень використання лісорослинного потенціалу модальними деревостанами в домінуючому типі лісу; проведено розрахунок таблиць продуктивності для дубових деревостанів у свіжій кленово-липовій діброві ДП «Глухівське ЛГ».
Исследованы типологическая структуру лесов ГП «Глуховское ЛХ», определён уровень использования лесорастительного потенциалу модальными древостоями в доминирующем типе леса, произведён расчет таблиц продуктивности для дубовых древостоев свежей кленово-липовой дубраве ГП «Глуховское ЛХ».
Digression of oak areas mainly occurs because the composition and structure of existent plantings do not adequate the necessary conditions of area growing and biological features of an oak; it appeared so as a result of incorrect farming. We must take into account the fact that an actual task is to begin creating and forming the most productive and stable oak plantings which would use any possibilities of forest conditions. The results of the detailed typological analysis of forests of state enterprises of forestry, tables of the productivity, which are worked out taking into account the features of typological structure of enterprises and the analysis of the index of usage of forest potential - all these facts mentioned above give us an opportunity to define the reserves as for increasing their productivity as well as the result of enlarging the effectiveness of forestry. We should keep in mind that the tables of productivity of original timberland of areal and valuable kinds of forestry of Ukraine are formed mainly for different regions of our country without considering the peculiarities of regional whereabouts of state enterprises of forestry. The question about getting the tables of productivity for original timberland of dominant types of forests within the bounds of these enterprises is still under consideration. The forests of SE “Glukhiv Forestry”, situated in the northern part of Sumskaya oblast on the area of Glukhiv administrative region, have been researched. To calculate the size of usage of the wooded potential by the original timberland in a new maple - and - lime area of SE “Glukhiv Forestry” the reserve of planting was taken from the tables of productivity of the original timberland of areal and valuable types of Ukrainian forestry worked out by I.V. Turkevich, as well as they used the standard plantings taken from the afforestation discriptions. The most popular type of forest is a new maple – and – lime area, a new oak – and – pine coniferous forest, a new lime – and – oak – and – pine forest, a new maple – and – lime coniferous forest, damp lime – and – oak – and - pine forest. Their part takes from 10% to 28% of the SE “Glukhiv Forestry” area. The timberland in the new maple – and – lime area of SE “Glukhiv Forestry” has been learnt in details. Within the limits of the defined kind of forest the timberland was divided into original and planted. The square of the original timberland is 3,2 thousand ha or 58% of the whole forest. The total square of the planted timberland is 2,5 thousand ha that stands for approximately 42% of the forest. To calculate the size of usage of the wooded potential by the original modal timberland in a new maple - and - lime area of SE “Glukhiv Forestry” the reserve of planting was taken from the tables of productivity of the original timberland of areal and valuable types of Ukrainian forestry worked out by I.V. Turkevich, as well as they used the data from the worked out tables of productivity for the oak area of the new maple – and – lime area of SE “Glukhiv Forestry”. It is proved that the index of usage of the wooded potential with the seedy oak areas in compare to the highly productive timberland from the tables by I.V. Turkevich varies from 23% to 82%. The index of usage of the wooded potential with the modal seedy oak areas in compare to the highly productive timberland from our tables varies from 18% to 97%. The average index of usage of the wooded potential with the seedy oak areas in compare to the highly productive timberland from the tables by I.V. Turkevich and in compare to the highly productive timberland from our tables of productivity is similar and equals 70%. According to the analysis of the typological forest structure, the index of usage the wooded potential with oak areas in new maple - and - lime area of SE “Glukhiv Forestry”, the worked out tables of productivities, it was determined the level and effectiveness of forestry holding in the areas of the studied enterprise, the definite deficiencies were found in forestry holding and some reserves were accepted for its increasing.
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету імені В. В. Докучаєва : зб. наук. пр..- Харків. Серія, Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство, екологія ґрунтів. 2014. № 2

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