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Title: Вплив рослинних біостимуляторів на молочну продуктивність корів української чорно-рябої молочної породи
Other Titles: The influence of plant biostimulators on dairy productivity of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed
Authors: Сільченко, Катерина Петрівна
Рижкова, Таїсія Миколаївна
Гейда, Ірина Михайлівна
Keywords: біостимулятори;корови;продуктивність;молоко;показники якості;biostimulants;cows;productivity;milk;qualitative indicators
Issue Date: 29-Nov-2021
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Сільченко К. П., Рижкова Т. М., Гейда І. М. Вплив рослинних біостимуляторів на молочну продуктивність корів української чорно-рябої молочної породи. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2021. № 8. С. 70-77.
Series/Report no.: № 8;
Abstract: Наведені результати дослідження щодо впливу застосування біостимуляторів - Біосвіт, що виготовлений за методом Філатова з рослинної сировини закордонного походження, та Мегасвіт, що виготовлений за тим же методом з вітчизняних рослин, на продуктивність та якісні показники молока корів Української чорно-рябої молочної породи.
The article discusses the results of a study of the effect of the use of biostimulants Biosvet made by the Filatov method from plant materials of foreign origin, and Megasvet made by the same method from domestic plants on the productivity and quality indicators of milk of Ukrainian black-and-white cows. For the study 30 cows with a productivity of 5000 - 5500 kg of milk per lactation were selected, which were divided into three groups of 10 animals each. The cows of the control group (C-1) in order to prevent the effects of stress from injections were injected subcutaneously in the neck with a physical solution in an amount of 15 m. The cows of the first experimental group (E-1) were injected with the biological product Biosvet 15 ml each, and the cows of the second experimental group (E-2) received the biostimulator Megasvet developed by us in the same amount. Four periods were identified in accordance with the season: autumn, spring, summer and autumn, Injections were given at the beginning of each period, Milk productivity and quality indicators were determined every ten days. The experience lasted from September 2020 to August 2021. As a result of the study it was proved that the use of biostimulants made from raw materials of plant origin has a positive effect on both productivity and quality indicators of milk in cows of the Ukrainian dairy black-and-white breed. The results of the use of biostimulants prove the higher efficiency of the biological product Megasvet in comparison with the biological product Biosvet. The use of Megasvet provides an increase in the productivity of cows in comparison with the use of Biosvet in the range from 5.72 % to 7.02 %, depending on the period of the year. On average per year the daily productivity in the second experimental group of cows, where Megaslight was used made up 6.35%. It was higher than in the first experimental group, where Biosvet was used. The use of Megasvet was more effective than Biosvet and in determining the quality indicators of milk, namely: fat content the presence of milk fat and protein content in milk.
Appears in Collections:№8

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