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Title: Вплив державної економічної політики та глобалізації на розв’язання продовольчої проблеми
Other Titles: Влияние государственной экономической политики и глобализации на разрешение продовольственной проблемы
The impact of public economic policy and globalization on solving the food problem
Authors: Пасемко, Г.П.
Бєсєдіна, Г.Є.
Бага, Л.Г.
Борисовський, І.С.
Keywords: продовольча проблема;державна економічна політика;глобалізація;сучасні економічні концепції;ринок;продовольственная проблема;государственная экономическая политика;глобализация;современные экономические концепции;рынок;food problem;state economic policy;globalization;modern economic concepts;market
Issue Date: 15-Sep-2020
Publisher: Харків : ХНАУ
Citation: Пасемко Г.П., Бєсєдіна Г.Є., Бага Л.Г., Борисовський І.С. Вплив державної економічної політики та глобалізації на розв’язання продовольчої проблеми. Вісник ХНАУ. Серія : Економічні науки. 2020. № 1. С. 251-262.
Abstract: Г.П. Пасемко, Г.Е. Беседина, Л.Г. Бага, Борисовский И.С. Влияние государственной экономической политики и глобализации на разрешение продовольственной проблемы. В статье рассматриваются научные взгляды на пути разрешения продовольственной проблемы. Выясняется соотношение влияния государственной экономической политики и глобализации на разрешение продовольственной проблемы. С точки зрения влияния по продовольственную проблему указывается противоречивый характер глобализации. Отмечается, что роль государства в обеспечении продовольственной безопасности меняется.
G. Pasemko, G. Besedina, L. Baga, I. Borisovsky. The impact of public economic policy and globalization on solving the food problem. It is noted that after the Second World War there was an unprecedented increase in international trade and its liberalization, which strengthened the interdependence of nations, as well as accelerated the process of globalization. Globalization is seen as a process associated with increasing economic openness and deepening integration into the world economy, as well as pointing to the contradictory nature of globalization with regard to the food problem. It is noted that the new global economy has not eliminated the collision between the wealth of industrialized countries and the poverty of developing countries. The paper considers scientific views on ways to solve the food problem, the most famous and oldest of which is the concept that links the possibility of providing the population with food with the demographic situation. It is noted that modern scientific thought, in contrast to "environmental Malthusianism", focuses on the imperfections of environmental policy of states, which threatens environmental security and does not contribute to overcoming poverty. The concept of innovations and the theory of institutionalism are considered, the representatives of which consider certain failures of the market mechanism to provide the population with vital goods. It is noted that the representatives of the so-called school of "optimists" saw the possibility of achieving self-sufficiency in food in developing countries, based on economic growth with the natural stabilization of demographic indicators. The "distribution" school recognized the possibility of solving the food problem in the same countries with a "fair" distribution of food between groups of countries with different levels of economic development. The "concept of anti-growth" is considered, the authors of which determined the limit of growth in food production by the availability of nonrenewable resources of the planet and, as in his time, T. Malthus, pointed to the need to limit the birth rate in developing countries. It is emphasized that the theory of internalization, according to which the costs of maintaining ecological balance and ensuring stable agricultural production are born by economic agents of the real sector of the economy, is opposed to dirigiste theories, according to which the main role in minimizing the impact of STP on natural resources. It is accented that the refusal of severe state intervention in the economy and its liberalization has had a devastating effect on the agricultural sector of these countries and sharply reduced their food security. The role of the state in ensuring food security is changing due to the fact that the concept of intensive growth of agricultural production, outpacing population growth, which was the basis of FAO's food doctrine, has failed.
Г.П. Пасемко, Г.Є. Бєсєдіна, Л.Г. Бага, Борисовський І.С. В статті розглядаються наукові погляди на шляхи розв’язання продовольчої проблеми. З’ясовується співвідношення впливу державної економічної політики та глобалізації на розв’язання продовольчої проблеми. З точки зору впливу на продовольчу систему вказується на суперечливий характер глобалізації. Наголошується, що роль держави у забезпеченні продовольчої безпеки змінюється.
Appears in Collections:Вісник ХНАУ №1

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