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Title: Вплив системи тренінгу, що спрямована на підвищення стресостійкості, на економічну ефективність підготовки спортивних коней
Other Titles: The influence of the training system directed to increase stress resistance on the economic efficiency of sports horses` training
Authors: Кабасова, Ірина Олександрівна
Петрушко, Микола Петрович
Keywords: тренінг коней;економічна ефективність;стресостійкість;кінний спорт;результати змагань;horses training;economic efficiency;stress resistance;equestrian sport
Issue Date: 29-Nov-2021
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Кабасова І. О., Петрушко М. П. Вплив системи тренінгу, що спрямована на підвищення стресостійкості, на економічну ефективність підготовки спортивних коней. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2021. № 8. С. 12-17.
Series/Report no.: № 8;
Abstract: Метою даної роботи було визначити економічну ефективність застосування комплексу прийомів для підвищення стресостійкості коней під час участі у змаганнях та показових виступах. Результати проведених досліджень дозволяють рекомендувати застосування прийомів, що розроблені для підвищення стресостійкості в системі тренінгу коней з метою підвищення результативності участі у змаганнях і зменшення витрат на кожен успішний старт.
The economic efficiency of the applying the complex to increase the stress resistance of horses during participation in competitions and demonstrative performances has been determined in this work. Thus, the sports success of horses with application of complex methods to increase the stress resistance during participation in competitions and demonstrative performances and horses trained on the usual training system has been compared; the economic effect of applying some complex methods to increase the stress resistance of horses during participation in competitions and demonstrative performances has been investigated. The research has been carried out on 10 heads of horses of the jumping group of Dergachy child and youth horse racing school. Based on the results of horses` participation in competitions and taking into account the higher nervous activity types, two equivalent groups – control and experimental by five heads in each have been formed. The complex methods to increase the stress resistance have been introduced in training system of horses of the experimental group; training of horses of the control group remained unchanged. The calculation of expenses for participation in competitions has been carried out by drawing up expenditures for transportation of horses, nutrition and accommodation of the team, starting contributions and the cost of renting stables. The total number of starts has been determined by multiplying the number of heads of horses by the number of starts of one head during the period of competitions. The number of successful starts has been calculated by a percentage of starts with the prize places from the total number of starts. To determine the economic efficiency of the application of the complex methods to increase the stress resistance of horses the amount of expenses per successful start by dividing the total amount of costs for the number of successful starts was calculated. It has been established that the economic efficiency of the applying of the complex methods to increase the stress resistance of horses is 1194,75 UAH for one successful start. The results of the research allowed to recommend the application of the developed method to increase the stress resistance in the training system of horses in order to increase the effectiveness of participation in competitions and reducing costs for each successful start.
Appears in Collections:№8

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