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Title: Результаты и достижения селекции малины в средней полосе России
Other Titles: Результати і досягнення селекції малини в середній смузі Росії
Results and achievements of raspberry breeding in the midland of Russia
Authors: Евдокименко, С.Н.
Keywords: малина;ремонтантная малина;селекция;сорта;зимостойкость;продуктивность;крупноплодность;вкус;урожайность;raspberry;primocane raspberry;breeding;cultivars;winter hardiness;productivity;large-fruitedness;taste;yield;селекція;сорти;зимостійкість;продуктивність;крупноплідність;смак;урожайність
Issue Date: Feb-2018
Publisher: Харків : ХНАУ
Citation: Евдокименко С.Н. Результаты и достижения селекции малины в средней полосе России. Вісник ХНАУ. Серія : Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання. 2018. № 1. С.56-63.
Abstract: Евдокименко С.Н. Результаты и достижения селекции малины в средней полосе России. Представлена информация о многолетней селекционной работе с малиной в Центральном регионе России. Показаны сорта с надежной экологической адаптацией и высоким уровнем хозяйственно ценных признаков, пригодные к современным технологиям возделывания.
С.Н. Євдокименко. Результати і досягнення селекції малини в середній смузі Росії. Представлено інформацію про багаторічну селекційну роботу з малиною в Центральному регіоні Росії. Показано сорти з надійною екологічною адаптацією і високим рівнем господарсько цінних ознак, придатні до сучасних технологій обробітку.
S.N. Yevdokimenko. Results and achievements of raspberry breeding in the midland of Russia. The important role in expanding the area under raspberry and increasing the profitability of fruits production belongs to the cultivar. The breeders have created valuable cultivars of this crop with a potential yield of up to 15 t/ha. However, due to insufficient winter hardiness in conditions of not covering crops, the instability to the main diseases and pests, the economic yield of these cultivars is sharply reduced and their cultivation in the conditions of production often becomes ineffective. In this regard, the purpose of the breeding work of the Kokino (Bryansk) Base Station is the creation of raspberry cultivars, combining a high level of adaptation with the optimal expression of economically valuable signs in the conditions of the Central region of Russia. The researches were carried out taking into account the main provisions of the "Program and methodology of breeding of fruits, berry and nut-bearing crops." The main methods of raspberry breeding were intra-species hybridization, inbreeding and remote crossings. By now, more than 50 cultivars of raspberry have been created by scientists of the FSBSI «All-Russia Selective Technology Institute for Horticulture and Nursery Gardening» (Moscow) and the Kokino Base Station (Bryansk region), of which 42 are included in the in the state register of breeding achievements. Among the raspberry assortment with the summer type of fruiting (on two-year stems), the cultivars of different ripening are of interest for production. Early cultivars Meteor, Beglyanka, Bryanskaya, Zhuravlik differ reliable winter hardiness, productivity, high taste qualities of fruits. The group of cultivars of medium ripening period – Bal’sam, Vol’nitsa, Gusar, Skromnitsa, Sputnitsa, Malakhovka, Lazarevskaya, Kirzhach combine high yield (8-12 tons of berries per hectare) with a stable resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors and have no analogues in the world raspberry assortment on these indicators. Of late raspberry cultivars the most popular for high productivity, straight growing habitus bush, large fruitedness, transportability of berries have received a cultivar of Peresvet. The modern assortment of primocane raspberry created in Kokino BS has more than 20 cultivars. The yield of cultivars Brilliantovaya, Zhar-ptitsa, Rubinovoe ozherel’e, Atlant, Bryanskoe Divo, Koldun’ya, Poklon Kazakovu, Podarok Kashinu, Snezhet’and Elegantnaya under optimum growing conditions can reach up to 18-21 t/ha. According to the degree of impact of the crop almost all of the Russian cultivars are surpass foreign ones. The outstanding fruits in size are the cultivars Gerakl, Rubinovoe ozherel’e, Atlant, Oranzhevoe chudo, Bryanskoe Divo, Snezhet’, Samorodok, Poklon Kazakovu, Podarok Kashinu, in which the mass of berries reaches 7,0-13,0 g, which is 2-3 times higher than the large-fruitedness not only the best of the parental forms, but the most common cultivars of not remontant raspberry. The cultivars (Abrikosovaya, Atlant, Zhar-ptitsa, Oranzhevoe chudo, Snezhet’, Koldun’ya, Poklon Kazakovu) with dessert taste of berries and thin "raspberry" aroma have been created as a result of many years of dedicated work The cultivars Atlant, Samorodok, Zhar-ptitsa, as well as interspecific elite forms 1- 16-11 and 3-20-1 form strong fruits with a crushing force of 7.1-8.0 N, which corresponds to the optimal value of the sign, ensuring the suitability of these forms for combine harvesting even in unfavorable seasons. Some progress is also being made in the creation of ripening raspberry cultivars. Relatively amicably ripens the harvest of cultivars Bab’e leto-2, Evraaziya, Pingvin, Snezhet’, Koldun’ya. To fully harvest them, 5- 7 fees are required. The genetic resistance to leaf spots (anthracnose and septoria spot) are of the type Zhar-ptitsa, Poklon Kazakovu, Samorodok, Atlant, Pingvin, Snezhet’; to the gray mould resistant cultivars Atlant, Zhar-ptitsa, Bryanskoe divo, Poklon Kazakovu, Pingvin, Evraaziya; to a complex of root rot tolerant cultivars Abrikosovaya, Poklon Kazakovu, Samorodok, Podarok Kashinu.
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія "Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання" №1

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