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dc.contributor.authorDonets, S.E.-
dc.contributor.authorLytvynenko, V.V.-
dc.contributor.authorLonin, Yu.F.-
dc.contributor.authorPonomarev, A.G.-
dc.contributor.authorRokhmanov, N.Ya.-
dc.contributor.authorStarovoytov, R.I.-
dc.contributor.authorUvarov, V.T.-
dc.identifier.citationDonets S.E. Behavior of molybdenum target in condition of irradiation by the high current relativistic electron beam/ S.E. Donets, V.V.Lytvynenko, Yu.F.Lonin, A.G.Ponomarev, N.Ya. Rokhmanov at all // Problems of atomic science and technology (PAST). Series «Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration». -2018. – Iss.24, No. 6(118). - P.229-232.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe problems of the stability of molybdenum targets to the action of concentrated energy fluxes are considered. A series of irradiations of a molybdenum target with a high-current relativistic electron beam was carried out. The mechanisms of the beam effect on the target are analyzed. The instantaneous introduction of energy into the target, causes the heating of the target, which leads to the generation of stresses due to the thermoelastic effect. Ablation of molten matter generates a reactive recoil momentum. Specific features of the microstructure of the target in the region of the melting effect of the beam and in the region of thermal action are determined.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPlasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration;-
dc.titleBehavior of molybdenum target in condition of irradiation by the high current relativistic electron beamuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeПоведение молибденовой мишени в условиях облучения сильноточным релятивистским электронным пучкомuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeПоведінка молібденової мішені в умовах опромінення сильнострумовим релятивістським електронним пучкомuk_UA
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