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dc.contributor.authorДмитрик, П.М.-
dc.identifier.citationДмитрик П.М. Вплив технологічних прийомів вирощування на урожайність насіння Foeniculum Vulgare. Вісник ХНАУ. Серія : Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво. 2015. №1. С.148-154.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractДмитрик П.М. Вплив технологічних прийомів вирощування на урожайність насіння Foeniculum vulgare. Наведено результати досліджень щодо впливу різних строків та способів сівби насіння на показники продуктивності посівів фенхеля звичайного в умовах Передкарпаття України.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractП.М. Дмитрик. Влияние технологических приемов выращивания на урожайность семян Foeniculum vulgare Приведены результаты исследований влияния разных сроков и способов посева на показатели продуктивности посевов фенхеля обыкновенного в условиях Передкарпатья Украины.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractP.M. Dmytryk. Impact of Technologic Devices on Cropping Yield of Foeniculum vulgare. Ether-bearing species are classified to the group of crops with production profitability of 200% and more. However, regions of potential cultivation of those are limited due to extreme sensibility of the cultures to frost, drought, gales and other adverse conditions. Thus, amplification of essential oil materials production is only accomplishable via technological advancement of cultivation of this specific species group. Summarizing the agrotechnics of fennel cultivation in accordance with publications for the last decade has shown that the most controversial and poorly investigated issues have been terms and methods of seeding. Hence, this paper is aimed at highlighting the research results of impact of terms and methods of seeding on fennel's cropping yield in the locality of Precarpathean area of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Field studies have been conducted in the sowing season of scientific research field of the laboratory of tillage, vegetation control and technology of organic cultivation of agricultural species, Kolomyia department. of Scientific Research and Innovative Advancement of Agricultural Complex, Precarpathean Research Station of Agriculture Institute of Carpathean Region, National Academy of Agriculture of Ukraine, on turf and mid-podzol superficial gley soils treated with tile drainage. Subject to this experiment was Foeniculum vulgare, variety - Chernivtsi local. The antecessor and mitigator of soil fertility had been the species of summer wheat, variety Myroniv Elegy, The sowing was performed in compliance with the scheme of experiment on the depth of 2 - 2.5 cm, the norm of 8 kg/ha. Experimental area: 60 m , including accountable area of 50 m , laboratory band of 10 m2, spatial recurrence - 3, temporal recurrence - 4 (2011 - 2014); systematic area distribution, randomized recurrence distribution. Fennel is a typical warm-season crop with sensitive reaction to photostimulation. This partially explains the correlation of seeding yield of plants and terms of sowing. The richest harvest of seeds (15.8 c/ha) was gathered in average for four years of sowing from April 3 to 10. For the years of experiment, the cropping yield have been varying from 14.8 to 16.6 c/ha, with average experimental variability coefficient of 15.5%, and impact of factor under investigation of 28%. The lowest harvest of 13.1 c/ha was gathered after sowing in early May; the average one - after sowing in the third decade of April (from 20th till 22nd). Comparison of intervariational differences of cropping yield with HIP05 has shown that statistic credibility was accomplished between the variants of early and late terms of sowing in 2011, 2013 and 2014. In other cases, the differences could be found near experimental variances, which factually asserted only the potential tendency of cropping yield reduction after sowing in the third decade of May. Optimal terms for common fennel seeding in the locality of Precarpathean area of Ivano-Frankivsk region are two first decades of April. In this period, the unquestionably best sowing time is the beginning of April (from 3rd to 10th). After delaying of sowing to the beginning of May the loss of harvest makes up in average 2.7 c/ha with variances by years from 1.6 c/ha (2011) to 3.4 c/ha (2014). Our research of ways and methods of sowing was also concerned with the situation of transition from broad-drill (45 cm) to compact sowing (15 cm) and narrow-drill sowing (7.5 cm). After broad-drill sowing with interdrill distance of 45 cm the average seed harvest for 2010 and 2014 made up 16.2 c/ha, which is higher by 2.6 c/ha than compact ordinary sowing and by 3.3 c/ha than narrow-drill sowing. The prolonged expectations, narrowing the interdrill distances for each 5 cm induced decrease of harvest by 0.44 c/ha. General statistic characteristic of the experiment has revealed that variability of cropping yield of the seeds within the limits of average variability constitutes 14% (13.4/15.2), with the impact of sowing method thereby of 57% (27/75), which proves the high and stable efficacy of impact of the factor under investigation on the experiment's outcome. This conclusion is also verified by comparison with HIP05. Therefore, common fennel should be sown in the locality of Precarpathean area of Ivano-Frankivsk region in the first two decades of April by method broad-drill sowing with the interdrill distance of 45 cm and more. These agrotechnical parameters in combination with soil and climatic conditions allow to achieve the stable cropping yield of fennel seeds of 16 c/ha.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарків : ХНАУuk_UA
dc.subjectстрок посівуuk_UA
dc.subjectспосіб посівуuk_UA
dc.subjectсрок посеваuk_UA
dc.subjectспособ посеваuk_UA
dc.subjectsowing termuk_UA
dc.subjectsowing methoduk_UA
dc.subjectcropping yielduk_UA
dc.titleВплив технологічних прийомів вирощування на урожайність насіння Foeniculum vulgareuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeВлияние технологических приемов выращивания на урожайность семян Foeniculum vulgareuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeImpact of Technologic Devices on Cropping Yield of Foeniculum vulgareuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В. В. Докучаєва. Серія "Біологія" 2013, № 2 (29)

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