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dc.contributor.authorGorustovich, Tatyana-
dc.contributor.authorShpak, Alexander Petrovich-
dc.identifier.citationGorustovich T. G., Shpak A. P. Innovation activity in the Republic of Belarus. Actual problems of innovative economy. 2020. No. 2, pp. 51-56.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe role of innovation in the modern world is difficult to overestimate. Innovations perform not only an economic function, but also cover all aspects of society's life and affect personal issues. In the long term, further economic and cultural growth along the intensive path of development is impossible without innovation. Currently, innovation is an active link in all spheres of society. It is impossible to imagine the modern world without implemented innovations, and without future ones that contribute to further evolution. In modern conditions, improving the efficiency of production can be achieved mainly through the development of innovation processes that are ultimately expressed in new technologies and new types of competitive products. Thus, the basis for the development of the country's economy is innovation, and the main guideline is the introduction of new technologies. Innovation has become a major driver of economic and social development. Innovative activity has brought the world society to a new and higher stage of development. The concept of "innovation" is used almost everywhere. Innovation can be understood as the final result of innovative activity, which is embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice, a new approach to social problems. In principle, the term "innovation" can be interpreted in different ways; it has an infinite number of formulations and definitions. This article reveals the concept of innovation and defines the role of innovation activity in improving production efficiency.uk_UA
dc.publisherТОВ «Стильна типографія»uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesАктуальні проблеми інноваційної економіки;№ 2-
dc.subjectinnovation processesuk_UA
dc.subjectinnovation activityuk_UA
dc.subjectinnovation policyuk_UA
dc.subjectінноваційні процесиuk_UA
dc.subjectінноваційна діяльністьuk_UA
dc.subjectінноваційна політикаuk_UA
dc.titleInnovation activity in the Republic of Belarusuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeІнноваційна діяльність в Республіці Білорусьuk_UA
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