Browsing by Author Zaika, S. O.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Advantages and lack of using biomass as an alternative fuel typeSkudlarski Jacek; Zaika, S. O.
2020Composition and structure of intellectual capitalSinelnikov, V. M.; Zaika, S. O.
2019Concept and satisfaction of investment appropriation agricultural enterprisesSinelnikov, V. M.; Zaika, S. O.
2023Digitization is a key factor in ensuring the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural productionZaika, S. O.; Hridin, O. V.; Zaika, O. V.
2017Essence stimulation of labor as an economic categoryZaika, S. O.; Morgun, І. О.; Oberemok, V. V.
2020Factors to increase the efficiency of grain productionZaika, S. O.; Nadolia, S. M.
2018Features of analysis of the state of investment marketZaika, S. O.
2020Features of the interpretation of "technology" as an economic categoryZaika, S. O.; Litun, A. A.
2018Innovative approaches in the cost estimation of agricultural enterprisesSinelnikov, V. M.; Zaika, S. O.; Sinelnikov, M. V.
2025International occupational safety and health standards as a basis for managing working conditions in UkraineDreval, Yu. D.; Zaika, S. O.
2021Involvement of the enterprise's staff in the implementation of sleepful productionZaika, S. O.; Zadorozhnii, Vladyslav
2021Legumes are a strategic factor in regulating protein balanceZaika, S. O.; Diachenko, Yehor; Litun, Andriy
2020Models of valuation of intellectual assetsZaika, S. O.; Semenenko, A. V.; Semenenko, N. O.
2021Modern approaches to the formation of the image reputation of civil servantsZaika, S. O.; Hasparian, Lesia
2019Modern approaches to the image of a civil servantsZaika, S. O.; Zayats, Y. O.
2021Professional socialazation of civil servantsZaika, S. O.; Malakhova, Olha
2018Relationship between personnel patent and objectives of strategic management by enterpriseZaika, S. O.; Zayats, J.
2016The development of production of biofuel as a resource diversify energy sourcesSkudlarski Jacek; Zaika, S. O.
2020The essence of economic efficienc of agricultural productionZaika, S. O.; Nadolia, S. M.
2019Ways of increasing the efficiency of land useZaika, S. O.; Zayats, Y.